Caroline Batsché – Nominated Artist – August 2021
Caroline Batsché
It has been more than 30 years that Caroline Batché practices watercolour with passion, and for ten years that she teaches it. To her, it is the ideal medium to capture quickly and spontaneously (but also thoughtfully) our world. From a still life to a landscape, a portrait to a seascape, anything is a good excuse to gently capture the light and breathe a living and vibrant shine to her watercolours.

La Collégiale ; watercolour ; 80 x 60 : SOLD

Plateau château Gaillard ; watercolour ; 80 x 80 : 500€. Please contact to value shipping costs ( < 50€ in Metropolitan France) and to pay online.

Château Gaillard ; watercolour ; 40 x 80 : 350€. Please contact to value shipping costs ( < 50€ in Metropolitan France) and to pay online.
Shipping costs not included in the retail price